Hello there! I see you have, in some amazing and somewhat
unbelievable way, stumbled upon my blog, The World According to Paisley.
My name isn't actually Paisley, though. It's not that important, so I
guess you can call me Evie. Or just E. I am currently seventeen, french
but living in a dreary, sleepy part of the UK and I am a little
eccentric. Well, a lot eccentric. In a good way (I hope).
When I'm
not hibernating because of the dreadful weather, I can be found
drawing. And drawing. And did I mention drawing? I also take a
of pictures, write poetry and stories (There is a novel in progress)
and if you were to look in my handbag, you would almost always find:
- A sketchbook - I think that is self-explanatory
- My camera (And about thirty eight batteries to keep it alive for more than ten minutes)
- Tissues (I have hayfever and a permanent cold. Don't ask!)
- A Blythe or four. Depending on which bag I am using, maybe more!
I started blogging back in 2011, so maybe someone out there
already knows me ToT , but recently whilst looking at my old posts, I
realised that my creativity was all burned out, so escaped from that
juvenile rubbish to start afresh in a brand spanking new blog.
enjoy reading about my life and stuff, any comments are greatly
appreciated, and who knows what may happen on this quest for